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FACEKI’s real-time user verification solution provides an efficient and secure way for businesses to authenticate users in a matter of seconds. By leveraging advanced facial recognition technology, businesses can safely onboard customers while protecting themselves from fraud and data discrepancies. This helps create a safer digital environment for all involved parties while helping businesses increase their operational efficiency at the same time.

  • Liveness Check
  • Anti-Spoofing Check
  • Photo Face Match
  • Age Check
  • Gender Check
  • Nationality Check

AML/PEP Compliance

FACEKI is committed to providing secure, compliant and reliable services while abiding by all applicable laws and regulations. Our AI-powered facial recognition technology is built with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Politically Exposed Person (PEP) compliance in mind. This helps businesses to comply with the AML/PEP guidelines, reducing the risk of money laundering or other fraudulent activities. As part of the process, FACEKI can check customer databases for any suspicious activities or financial irregularities.

Verify Documents from 195+ Countries

Our Document Verification System utilizes cutting-edge AI to accurately authenticate identity documents in seconds, while also protecting users’ privacy.

Our system is designed to ensure that all checks are completed correctly while staying within local KYC regulations. We also use our facial recognition technology to conduct quick and accurate face match comparisons with the images on the identity document. This allows us to confirm customers’ identities without having to rely on manual reviews or paper documents, saving time and providing a seamless customer experience.

View List of Supported Documents & Countries

Easy Integration

With our well-equipped API and SDKs, integrating into your business’s existing infrastructure will be a breeze without any complex setup.

All the services can be customized according to your business-specific needs.

Simple and Transparent Pricing

Find the right plan for you, or click here to seek help from our experts


    Pay As You Verify
    It comes with extreme flexibility


    Per Verification

    • ID Verification
    • Liveness & Face Match
    • AML Screening (Basic)
    $50 Monthly Commitment


    Monthly Package
    Perfect for small businesses


    Per Verification

    • 332 Monthly Verification included
    • Everything in Flexy
    • Chat Support
    $249 Monthly Commitment


    For larger volumes, with more
    customizations and features.


    Per Verification

    • Customized for you
    • Account Manager
    • Premium Support

    View Full Features List

    • Plan Features
    • Free Trial
    • Rate Per Verification
    • Monthly Verifications Included
    • Monthly Commitment
    • Extra Usage
    • Extra Usage Rate
    • Extra Usage Term
    • Extra Usage Billing
    • General features
    • Supported Documents
    • Custom Document Support
    • Countries Supported
    • Compliance Expert Support
    • Comprehensive Dashboard
    • Proof of Address (POA)
    • SMS Verification
    • Multi-Language Support
    • Custom features
    • AML Screening
    • International PEP Check
    • Sanctions List
    • International Criminal List
    • Interpol List
    • ID Verification
    • Validity Check
    • Data Visbility Check
    • Image Quality Check
    • Security Reference Check
    • Manipulation Check
    • Tamper Check
    • Age Check
    • Nationality Check
    • OCR Data Extraction
    • MRZ Code
    • Custom Fields
    • Liveness Verification
    • Liveness Check
    • Facematch Score
    • Deepfake Recognition
    • Integration
    • Full API Integration
    • Zero Integration Option
    • Integration Support
    • Mobile SDK
    • iOS
    • Android
    • Flutter
    • React Native
    • Web SDK
    • Node JS
    • HTML
    • Laravel
    • API Libraries
    • Python
    • .NET
    • Deployment
    • Cloud
    • On-premise

    Suitable for startups, it comes with extreme flexibility


    • 0.95
    • 53
    • 50
    • Allowed
    • 0.95
    • Pay as you go for extra usage
    • Charged end of every month
    • 4000+
    • 195+

    For small businesses. Perfect for regulatory compliance


    • 3 Days
    • 0.75
    • 332
    • 249
    • Allowed
    • 0.75
    • Pay as you go for extra usage
    • Charged end of every month
    • 4000+
    • 195+

    For larger volumes, with more customizations and features


    • Sandbox
    • Custom
    • Custom
    • Custom
    • Custom
    • Custom
    • Custom
    • Custom
    • 4000+
    • 195+

    Our team are here to assist you

    Do you need help selecting the right plan?

    Book a Demo

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