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Saudi KYB

 التحقق من الشركات والمخولين بالتوقيع وتقييم المخاطر
AI-Powered Business Verifications and Risk Scoring. 

- Business Verification
- Documents Check
- Beneficiaries Check
- Risk Scoring

Go Password-less
Go Biometrics

قـدم خـدمة عمـلاء اسـتثنائية باســتخدام بصمـة الوجـة
Simplify user experience with Biometrics

Beyond-Boarder KYC

تحقق من عملائك وهوياتهم اينما كانو حول العالم خلال ثوان
Verify & onboard users from 230+ countries in seconds

AML/PEP Screening

حافظ على قاعدة المستخدمين الخاصة بك خالية من المخاطر وكن متوافقًا مع لوائح غسيل الاموال
Keep your user base risk-free and be compliant with regulations

- Individual Screening
- Business Screening
- Ongoing Screening
- Adverse Media Check


Advanced Fraud Protection

FACEKI is revolutionizing the way organizations approach security and decision-making.
By integrating government-based verification, international standards, Anti-Money
Laundering (AML) checks, and AI-driven risk scoring, streamlining the onboarding process.

Saudi KYB

Business Verifications for reliability and risk scoring of the businesses you are dealing with.



Digitally Verifying users from more than 230+ countries in seconds.


Anti-Money Laundering and Sanctions list screening to keep your user base risk-free.


Verify user’s in real-time using just a simple selfie. Enjoy hassle-free authentication.

Trusted globally by

Fintech Crypto Platforms eCommerce Carsharing Apps e-Banks Courts


Supported Countries


Supported Documents


Supported Languages

Easy Integration

With our well-equipped API and SDKs, integrating into your business’s existing infrastructure will be a breeze without any complex setup.

All the services can be customized according to your business-specific needs.

Serving Diverse

Industry Verticals


Inspiring Use Cases